个人简介:孙海峰,男,中共党员,博士,教授,博士生导师,环境科学教研室主任。长期从事人工合成纳米颗粒、微/纳塑料和典型有机污染物环境化学过程、生物效应等方面的研究工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金、山西省应用基础研究计划项目、横向研究课题等10余项。现已发表科研论文30余篇,包括SCI Top论文20余篇,其中1篇被ESI列为前1%高引论文。主讲《环境化学》、《新生研讨课》、《环境科学进展》等课程,主持山西省教学改革项目1项。
2017/12 -2018/12,美国加州大学河滨分校,访问学者
1. Shuai Guo, Zhang Xiajie, Sun Haifeng*. Transcriptomic mechanism for foliar applied nano-ZnO alleviating phytotoxicity of nanoplastics in corn (Zea mays L.) plants. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 905, 166818.
2. Guo Shuai, Wang Jing, Sun Haifeng*, et al. Foliar uptake and in-leaf translocation of micro(nano)plastics and their interaction with epicuticular wax. Environmental Science: Nano, 2023, 10, 1126-1137.
3. Li Ruilong, Wei Chaoxian, Sun Haifeng*. Mangrove leaves: An undeniably important sink of MPs from tidal water and air. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 426, 128138.
4. Sun Haifeng*, Wang Meng, Wang Jing, et al. Surface charge affects foliar uptake, transport and physiological effects of functionalized graphene quantum dots in plants. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 812, 151506.
5. Sun Haifeng*, Lei Chunli, Yuan Yihao, et al. Nanoplastic impacts on the foliar uptake, metabolism and phytotoxicity of phthalate esters in corn (Zea mays L.) plants. Chemosphere, 2022, 304, 135309.
6. Sun Haifeng, Lei Chunli, Xu Jianhong, et al. Foliar uptake and leaf-to-root translocation of nanoplastics with different coating charge in maize plants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416, 125854.
7. Sun Haifeng, Wang Meng, Lei Chunli, et al. Cell wall: An important medium regulating the aggregation of quantum dots in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 403, 123960.
8. Sun Haifeng*, Wang Meng, Nan Yanli, et al. The kinetics and mechanisms for photodegradation of nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on lettuce leaf surfaces: An in vivo study. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67, 8452-8458.
9. Sun Haifeng*, Ma Ruiyao, Nan Yanli, et al. Insight into effects of citric acid on adsorption of phthalic acid esters (PAEs) in mangrove sediments. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 169, 353-360.
10. Sun Haifeng, Feng Ruijie, Nan Yanli, et al. In-situ examination of graphene and graphene oxide impact on the depuration of phenanthrene and fluoranthene adsorbed onto spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaf surfaces. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 237, 968-976.
11. Sun Haifeng*, Guo Shuai, Nan Yanli, et al. Direct determination of surfactant effects on the uptake of gaseous parent and alkylated PAHs by crop leaf surfaces. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 154, 206-213.
12. Sun Haifeng*, Nan Yanli, Feng Ruijie, et al. Novel method for in situ investigation into graphene quantum dots effects on the adsorption of nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by crop leaf surfaces. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 162, 10-16.
13. Sun Haifeng, Wang Weipeng, Guo Shuai, et al. In situ investigation into surfactant effects on the clearance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons adsorbed onto soybean leaf surfaces. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 210, 330-337.
14. Sun Haifeng, Guo Shuai, Zhu Na, et al. In situ determination of multiple polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons uptake by crop leaf surfaces using multi-way models. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 218, 523-529.
15. Sun Haifeng, Shi Jing, Guo Shuai, et al. In situ determination of the depuration of three- and four-ringed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons co-adsorbed onto mangrove leaf surfaces. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 208, 688-695.
16. Sun Haifeng, Li Ruilong, Zhu Yaxian, et al. In situ determination mechanisms for the depuration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons adsorbed onto the leaf surfaces of living mangrove seedlings. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 262, 339-347.
17. Sun Haifeng, Yang Yanan, Zhu Yaxian, et al. In situ investigation of the depuration of fluoranthene adsorbed on the leaf surfaces of living mangrove seedlings. Talanta, 2013, 116, 441-447.
18. 孙海峰, 张勇. 正定矩阵因子分解模型在环境中多环芳烃源解析方面的应用. 生态毒理学报, 2015, 4, 25-33.
19. 孙海峰, 朱亚先, 张勇. 持久性有机污染物在大气与植物间交换过程研究进展. 环境化学, 2013, 32, 734-741.
20. Li Ruilong, Sun Haifeng, Wang Shaopeng, et al. Retention of CdS/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) on the root epidermis of woody plant and its implications by benzo[a]pyrene: Evidence from the in situ synchronous nanosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectra method. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66, 814-821.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42177215,典型农作物叶部微/纳塑料吸收、迁移及对硝基多环芳烃植物富集的影响,2022/01-2025/12,57万,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21507077,原位研究表面活性剂对气相PAHs在作物叶表层环境行为的影响机制,2016/01-2018/12,21万,主持。
3. 山西省面上自然基金,201901D111003,石墨烯量子点对作物叶表层硝基多环芳烃环境行为影响的原位研究,2019/09-2022/09,5万,主持。
4. 山西省青年科技研究基金,201601D021131,微塑料对滤食性鱼类多环芳烃累积的影响,2016/07-2018/12,3万,主持。
5. 广州市环境暴露与健康重点实验室开放基金, GZKLEEH201609,微塑料老化对新型有机污染物富集的影响,2016/05-2018/04,4万,主持。
6. 山西省土壤环境与养分资源重点实验室开放基金,2017001,山西省汾河流域典型蔬菜园区农药土壤限量值的研究,2018/03-2019/12,4万,主持。
1. 2023年,被评为山西大学优秀青年教师。
2. 2023年,获山西省优秀研究生学位论文指导教师。
3. 2020年,获山西省优秀研究生学位论文指导教师。
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