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张红,女, 1972年1月生,山西省阳泉市人。中共党员,博士,教授,博士生导师。中国生态学会常务理事、中国生态学会区域生态学专委会委员、国家注册环评工程师。曾获山西省五一立功奖章、山西省高校青年教师教学大赛一等奖、山西大学富士康奖教金。国内外多个学术期刊的审稿人主持和参与多项国家级和省级科研课题,在国内外期刊上发表70多篇学术论文,其中SCI收录论文近30篇,获得专利4项、软件著作权6项、参编著作4部。主要研究方向为环境统计与建模、景观生态学、3S技术与应用。


1990.09-1994.07 山西大学环境科学系 学士

1996.09-1999.07 山西大学管理科学与工程  硕士

2002.09-2005.07 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 博士


1. 主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于多智能体仿真的煤矿区景观格局演变与情景模拟:政策、行为与响应机制” 41871193, 2019-2022

2. 主持:国家自然科学基金青年项目“ 利益相关者视域下的煤矿区生态系统优化管理:基于模糊认知图方法” 41101558,2012-2014

3. 主持:教育部人文社会科学基金“基于多利益主体视角的典型煤矿区环境风险管理研究” 08JC630054,2009-2011

4. 主持:山西省科技重大专项“晋北沙化土地防治的关键技术研究与试验示范” 20121101011,2012-2016

5. 主持:天津市科技计划项目“天津水源地水土环境状况及污染风险时空分异与预警子课题:天津市水源地地区高精度遥感影像解译及土地利用现状分析及大数据平台建设”2016-2018

6. 主持:山西省环保厅项目“山西省矿山生态环境详细调查子课题:山西省典型矿区生态环境亟需恢复治理区域评估及对策建议”2017-2019

7. 主持:山西省环保厅公益项目“基于TM影像汾河源头流域水土流失时空变化研究”2012-2013

8. 主持:山西省自然科学基金“汾河水库周边土壤养分和污染物的空间分布及迁移模型研究” 2009011042-1,2009-2011

9. 主持:山西省国土厅公益项目“大型煤矿开采区土地生态风险评价与土地恢复研究” 2008-2010

10. 主持:山西省生态环境研究中心课题“山西省防风固沙生态保护红线划定研究”2015-2018


Zhitao Wu, Lu Yu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Ziqiang Du, Hong Zhang*. Effectiveness of ecological restoration programs based on large-scale vegetation dynamics in northern china: Implementation and challenge. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2018,11.Doi: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1519286

Ziqiang Du, Xiaoyu Zhang, Xiaoming Xu, Hong Zhang. Quantifying influences of physiographic factors on temperate dryland vegetation, Northwest China:[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:40092.

Ping Wang, Hong Zhang*, Zuodong Qin, Guisheng Zhang. A novel hybrid-Garch model based on ARIMA and SVM for PM2.5 concentrations forecasting. Atmospheric Pollution Research 2017,8 (5) : 850-860

Hong Zhang*, Sheng Zhang, Ping Wang, Yuze Qin, Huifeng Wang. Forecasting of particulate matter time series using wavelet analysis and wavelet-ARMA/ARIMA model in Taiyuan, China. Journal of Air & waste management ASSOCIATION. 2017,67(7): 776-778

Jiang X J, Liu S, Zhang H. Effects of different management practices on vertical soil water flow patterns in the Loess Plateau[J]. Soil & Tillage Research, 2017, 166(x):33-42.

Xiaoming Xu,Ziqiang DuHong Zhang*. Integrating the system dynamic and cellular automata models to predict land use and land cover change. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2016(26):568–579

Ziqiang Du, Xiaoming Xu, Hong Zhang*, Zhitao Wu, Yong Liu. 2016. Geographical Detector-Based Identification of the Impact of Major Determinants on Aeolian Desertification Risk. PLOS ONE 11(3): e0151331. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151331

Yong Liu,Huifeng WangHong Zhang. etc A comprehensive support vector machine-based classification model Soil & Tillage Research 2015 (155) 119–126

Hong Zhang*, Guanglei Liu, Wei Shi, Jinchang Li. Soil Heavy Metal Contamination and Risk Assessment Around the Fenhe Reservoir, China. Bulletin of Environment Contamination and Toxicology. 2014, 93:182–186

Hong Zhang, Yong Liu, Rui Shi, Qingchen Yao. Evaluation of PM10 forecasting based on Artificial Neural Network model and Intake Fraction in an urban area: a case study in Taiyuan City, China. Journal of Air & waste management. 2013,2013, 63:7, 755-763

Hong Zhang,Jie Song, Chao Su, Mengying He. Human Attitudes in Environmental Management: Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Policy Option Simulations Analysis for a Coal-Mine Ecosystem in China. Journal of environmental management. 2013,115 :227-234

Yong Liu,Chao SuHong Zhang, Jingfei Pei. 2014. Interaction of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution with Industrialisation and the Landscape Pattern in Tai yuan. PLOS ONE. 2014(9),Issue9e105798

Yong Liu,Jinchang LiHong Zhang. An ecosystem service valuation of land use change in Taiyuan City, China. Ecological Modeling. 2012,25(2012):127-132

Guo Yuanyuan, Zhang Hong, Dong Jiangshan, Shen Di, Yin Jingyuan. Simulation for promotion of solar energy diffusion in residential consumer market with agent-based modeling and random forest. Proceedings - 2014 6th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, IHMSC 2014. 2014, 301-304

Guo Yuanyuan, Zhang Hong, Dong Jiangshan, Shen Di, Yin jingyuan. Agent-Based simulation and data mining analysis for effect of purchase price in households solar energy adoption process. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2014, 463: 117-124

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